Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In Russia everything is colder

When embarking on a bike trip it should be clear for everyone that at some point, sooner or later, it will rain. But still the idea of rain, discussed in a warm kitchen after a tasty meal, is quite different than the actual misery of a cold fall day when the rain just never stops.

We were expecting small showers and summer thunderstorms, based on our previous experience of cycling in Northern Finland at the same time of the year, but it seems that in Russia you can't expect Finnish weather any more than Finnish public toilets. The North Face tent and sleeping bags we've been kindly donated for this trip will keep away the rain and the cold at night, but at daytime we've found ourselves to be a bit too lightly clad. Light waterproof jackets are sorely missed in the wet days, and thick woolen underwear in the cool evenings.

Tomorrow we plan to seek shelter indoors, hoping to find a hotel room or planning to once again give Lina the challenging assignment of finding us a host in an unknown town. We're counting on seeing the sun again, sooner or later, and enjoying those warm August evenings everyone's been going on about. At least everyone in Southern Finland...

1 comment:

  1. Jaksamisia kaikille. Löysin tiedon että Muurmanskista tulee bussi Rovaniemelle. Kyllä se sade loppuu jossain välissä.
